TK-UI provide several CSS engine implementation which are enable to apply CSS styles to Swing Component . Please read Download section to download CSS Swing engine distribution and Swing samples.
This section explains how use CSS Swing engine with simple samples. You can find more complex samples into test folder of the org.akrogen.tkui.css.swing* distribution. There are tow ways to apply CSS styles to Swing Component :
Selectors section describe all type of selectors that you can write with Swing Component.
CSS Swing engines are configurables, please read CSSEngine API section for more informations.
JLabel { color:red; } JTextField { background-color:green; }
// Create Swing CSS Engine CSSEngine engine = new CSSSwingEngineImpl(); // Parse style sheet engine.parseStyleSheet(new StringReader( "JLabel {color:red;} JTextField {background-color:green;}")); /*--- Start UI Swing ---*/ JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); // Label JLabel label1 = new JLabel(); label1.setText("Label 0"); panel.add(label1); // Text JTextField text1 = new JTextField(); text1.setText("bla bla bla..."); panel.add(text1); /*--- End UI Swing ---*/ // Apply Styles engine.applyStyles(frame, true); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true);
label { color:red; } input { background-color:green; }
// Create Swing CSS Engine CSSEngine engine = new CSSSwingHTMLEngineImpl(); // Parse style sheet engine.parseStyleSheet(new StringReader( "JLabel {color:red;} JTextField {background-color:green;}")); /*--- Start UI Swing ---*/ JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); // Label JLabel label1 = new JLabel(); label1.setText("Label 0"); panel.add(label1); // Text JTextField text1 = new JTextField(); text1.setText("bla bla bla..."); panel.add(text1); /*--- End UI Swing ---*/ // Apply Styles engine.applyStyles(frame, true); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true);
To manage HTML name as selector, a mapping between Swing Component and HTML name is done. with getLocalName method of the CSSStylableElement instance which wrap the Swing Component. Here mapping array of the HTML name/Swing Component :
HTML name | Swing Component |
body | javax.swing.JFrame |
textarea | javax.swing.JTextArea |
input[type=password] | TODO |
input[type=text] | javax.swing.text.JTextComponent |
input[type=radio] | javax.swing.JRadioButton |
input[type=checkbox] | javax.swing.JCheckBox |
input[type=button] | javax.swing.JButton |
select | javax.swing.JComboBox |
label | javax.swing.JLabel |
canva | TODO |
a | TODO |
div | javax.swing.JRootPane, javax.swing.JPanel, javax.swing.JLayeredPane |
tree | javax.swing.JTree |
listbox | javax.swing.JTable |
<input type="text" id="MyId" style="color:red;background-color:yellow;" />
var input = document.getElementById('MyId');'red';'yellow';
JTextField text = new JTextField(); text.setText("bla bla bla"); text.putClientProperty("style", "color:red;background-color:yellow;"); ... engine.applyStyles(frame, true);
JTextField text = new JTextField(); text.setText("bla bla bla"); CSSStylableElement stylableElement = (CSSStylableElement) engine.getElement(text); CSS2Properties style = stylableElement.getStyle(); style.setColor("red"); style.setBackgroundColor("yellow");
This section follow spécification w3c selector and adapt it for the CSS Swing engine.
Pattern | Meaning | Described in section |
* | Matches any Swing Component. | |
E | Matches any Swing Component E. E is defined with class name of the Swing Component (CSSSwingEngineImpl) or HTML name of the Swing Component (CSSSwingHTMLEngineImpl). | |
E F | Matches any Swing Component Swing F that is a descendant of a Swing Component E (ex : JLabel into JPanel). | Descendant selectors |
E:focus, E:hover | Matches any Swing Component during certain user actions. | The dynamic pseudo-classes |
E[foo="warning"] | Matches any Swing Component E whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning".. | Attribute selectors |
E.className | Matches any Swing Component E which have class with className name. | Class selectors |
E#myid | Matches any Swing Component which are id equals to "myid". | ID selectors |
It's possible to use attributes into CSS styles with Swing. It exist several kind of attributes :
JTextField[editable=true] { color:red; }
JTextField text = ... text.putClientProperty("foo", "warning");
JTextField[foo="warning"] { color:red; }
By default class information is managed with putClientProperty method of Swing JComponent:
.redColor { color:red; } .greenColor { color:green; }
JLabel label = new JLabel(); label.putClientProperty("class", "redClass");
JLabel#MyId { color:red; } JLabel { color:green; }
JLabel label = new JLabel(); label.putClientProperty("id", "MyId");
JTextField:focus { color:red; } JTextField:hover { color:green; }
It is possible to manage Swing Component tooltip to apply for instance this CSS style :
JToolTip { background-color:yellow; font:14 bold; } JLabel JToolTip { background-color:orange; font:20 Serif italic normal; border-color:red; }
JToolTip Components are particulary because they are detroyed when tooltip disappear and re-created when tooltip appear. CSS style apply must be done when JToolTip is added to the Swing user interface. Swing provide addAWTEventListener from ToolKit to detect when a Swing Component is added. To manage JToolTip, you must add this code :
// Apply styles CSS to JToolTip Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener( new AWTEventListener() { public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) { ContainerEvent cevt = (ContainerEvent) e; Component component = cevt.getChild(); if (component instanceof JToolTip) { JToolTip toolTip = (JToolTip) component; engine.applyStyles(toolTip, false); } } }, AWTEvent.CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK);
// Create Swing CSS Engine final CSSEngine engine = new CSSSwingEngineImpl(); // Parse style sheet engine.parseStyleSheet(new StringReader( "JLabel {color:red;} " + "JTextField {background-color:green;}" + "JToolTip {background-color:yellow; font:14 bold;}" + "JLabel JToolTip {background-color:orange; font:20 Serif italic normal;border-color:red;}")); /*--- Start UI Swing ---*/ JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); // Label JLabel label1 = new JLabel(); label1.setText("Label 0"); label1.setToolTipText("JLabel tool tip."); panel.add(label1); // Text JTextField text1 = new JTextField(); text1.setText("bla bla bla..."); text1.setToolTipText("JTextField tool tip."); panel.add(text1); /*--- End UI Swing ---*/ // Apply Styles engine.applyStyles(frame, true); // Apply styles CSS to JToolTip Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener( new AWTEventListener() { public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) { ContainerEvent cevt = (ContainerEvent) e; Component component = cevt.getChild(); if (component instanceof JToolTip) { JToolTip toolTip = (JToolTip) component; engine.applyStyles(toolTip, false); } } }, AWTEvent.CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true);